Thursday, October 7, 2010

More Sanding and Filling

Thursday, Oct. 7

No way to make the last few days sound more interesting than they have been. Both bnilding up a varnish finish and fairing a hull just take patience and persistence.

It takes about an hour to sand and varnish the spars. I put coat five on the mast and sprit, and the final coat six on the club.

I decided to adapt the tiller from Maris Stella, the family boat of my childhood. It is the right size as long as I extend the part over the top of the rudder with stainless steel straps. It has the right downward bend, and it is already in beautiful condition. I refinished it for no particular reason last year, and today I gave it one more coat of varnish. Its connection with happy memories will be a pleasure, and I am willing to not make a new tiller from scratch. Maybe I can use the time saved to make oars instead. Here's the tiller:

On the hull, I sanded all the spots I filled yesterday, then went ahead and sanded and vacuumed the rest of the hull, then refilled any spots that needed re-doing. Next ahead: sand all those re-do spots and coat the hull with slightly thickened epoxy.

1 comment:

  1. Great that the tiller will work! Should allow you to be far enough forward to keep from dragging the transom.
