Friday, October 8, 2010

Steps Done and Begun, Sail Received, and a Hiatus

Friday, Oct. 8

I put the sixth and final coat of varnish on the mast and sprit this morning. The spars are done, except (there will always be excepts) I have left the mast a few inches long until now, to facilitate varnishing. Now I can trim it off and varnish the truck.

After sanding yesterday's filled spots, the hull was ready for...

... the first of the finish coats of epoxy. This will be sanded and reapplied until either it's absolutely smooth or I say "enough already." 

While I was working, the sailmaker called to let me know the sail was finished. So after the epoxy coat was done I drove down to his loft to pick up the sail. I used a local sailmaker, Keith Donaldson, who goes by Advanced Sails, but it's a one-man loft. Although he has many years of experience, this sail is a first for him in several respects: a sprit rig, a quadrilateral sail in that there is a club at the clew, a luff which laces to the mast, and a vertical line of reef points. He took a lot of interest in the sail, and he is curious how it will perform. Of course, so am I. I am well pleased with the job he did, and can recommend him, especially for a job which is out of the ordinary and calls for professional attention and interest on the part of the sailmaker. Here's the sail. The attractive woman in the background is Mrs. Strongback.

And now work wil halt for a couple of weeks while we take a trip.

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