Monday, January 18, 2010

The Right Stuff

Monday, Jan. 18- I had thought I would have to travel across the state to Vero Beach to buy marine plywood, but after scouring the internet one more time- probably the fifth try- I found a source at an independent lumber yard an hour away near the Port of Tampa. They special-ordered what I need, and I picked it up today. 6mm and 12mm Okoume plywood, the best marine plywood made.

Okoume is light, strong, and made of solid layers of some exotic African wood, though of course it's made in China. Now there's a question for you: If the Chinese are able to dominate manufacturing around the world by using stolen technology and slave labor (not too much of an exaggeration), why can't the God-forsaken countries where tropical hardwoods grow do the same thing with the resources they already have, and manufacture high end plywood, for example?

So my enforced layoff, waiting for materials, is at an end. Let's build a boat!

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